Lit., the paved road.
(Pukui, Elbert, Moʻokini)
The name of the valley Kealakīpapa (paved roadway), indicates that a trail at least has been here for many years. Also, Mr. J. Combs points out that Maunalua was listed as an ili of Waimanalo at the time of the division of the land in 1848. This, he suggests, would indicate an easy route of communication between the two lands. This path may have existed in 1822, when Mathison passed from Waimānalo to Maunalua, but it was not known to him. Mathison was guided by an English sailor who settled in Waimānalo.
Archeology of O’ahu 1933
An ali’i who lived at Wawamalu had the road built.
He made the people who annoyed him build
the road. (Believes the road is pre-European.)
Mary Kawena Pukui
May 28, 1953

Going towards Makapuʻu
Going towards Kaloko

Going down to Makapuʻu