Lit., Sounding Knee (referring to the knee drum [puniu] attached to the knee).
(Pukui, Elbert, Moʻokini)
Kuliʻouʻou Bluff Shelter
Through radio carbon dating of wood charcoal obtained in the Kuliʻouʻou shelter . . . indicated that the wood of this charcoal was formed 946 years ago, plus or minus 180 years.
This means that the shelter was first occupied about 1000 years ago. . . . Several stone adzes found at the same depth are of characteristic Hawaiian form which was at one time used in Tahiti and the Marquesas but which has not appeared in any collection of stone adzes from Samoa or Tonga. This indicates that the early Hawaiians came from the Marquesas or Tahiti.
Hawaiian Historical Society Annual Report
1950, p. 19
Click on the picture of Joel Reeves May
to learn about small kid time in Kuli’ou’ou
Click on the picture of Charlie Reeves
to hear of his deep aloha for Kuli’ou’ou Valley
This picture on the left is of
Rose Lokalia Miguel Reeves.
This photo was taken in the 1930s.
6 year old “Auntie Sister” Correa
is seated next to her on the ground.
This group photo of the Reeves and Correa family was taken in the 1950’s. In the center of the photo is the matriarch of the family,
Rose Lokalia Miguel Reeves.

Click on picture to see a larger
aerial view of Kuli'ou'ou Valley in the 1930s

August 20, 1912
Hawaiian Gazette

November 20, 1917
Honolulu Star Bulletin

December 21, 1897
Pacific Commercial Advertiser

June 26, 1912
Evening Bulletin
Princess Ka'iulani

Burton Holmes Film
Shooting in Kuli'ou'ou 1926