Kahekili in Maunalua
On Friday, December 1, 1786 Captain Portlock was visited by Kahekili at Maunalua Bay on the island of Oʻahu, and Portlock recorded
this account.
"The old man [a priest] informed me, that in a short time the king (who had just arrived in the bay with a large fleet of canoes) would be on
board to pay me a visit, and that when he returned again, onshore the taboo would be taken off [...]. The priest left us about ten o'clock,
and returned again at eleven in his one canoe, accompanied by many others both large and small. In a very large canoe, paddled by fifteen
stout men, was the king himself, attended by many of the principal chiefs. [...] paddling three times round the ship in great state, came on board
without the least appearance of fear, and would suffer any of his retinue to follow him till he got permission for their admittance, which I gave to
eight or ten of the principal chiefs. The king brought me a few hogs and some vegetables by way of present [...] (155-156)
Kahekili II, full name Kahekilinuiʻahumanu, (c. 1737–1794) was an aliʻi (Moʻi) of Maui. His name was short for Kāne-Hekili after the Hawaiian god of thunder. Because Kāne-Hekili was believed to be black on one side, Kahekili tattooed one side of his body from head to foot.[1] He was called Titeeree, King of Mowee by European explorers.